Saturday, May 9, 2009

Special Events with Grandchildren

So it is officially Springtime...the tulips are trying to hang on

for one more day, The skies are sunny now and the trees are

in bloom. The cherry tree in the backyard is dressed in white

and the plum tree in pink. I especially love my royalty

crab apple twins along the driveway with their ruby red flowers.

The fragrance is enchanting.

On April 21st, Linz and Josh gave us a beautiful granddaughter.

Her name is Kimber Morgan. I had the blessing of witnessing

her birth and sharing that special time when Noah and Carly

met her for the first time. Thank you for the opportunity! Both

my daughters have allowed me the privilege to attend the births

of each of their sweet babies. They are treasured memories

to me.

I have attended some special events with several of my other

grandchildren as well.

Kailey and I went window shopping at The Gateway recently

when she came to work with her dad, Greg.

Abby was in a Spelling Bee at school. She competed with 4th,

5th and 6th graders. They started with about 35 children and she

made it through 7 rounds, ending up in the top 15! Some of her

words included skeptical, envoy, micro burst, freestyle and

specific. Great job, Abby!

Coleton was in a school Talent Show. His dad, Rob created a

video which demonstrated some of his motocross racing skills. He

wore his riding gear and brought his new dirt bike for display.

Shaylor was nominated & chosen by the teachers at his middle

school as Bobcat of the quarter. It was fun to hide in the auditorium

with his parents as the students filed into the assembly. After the

the certificates were presented to all the nominees, a short bio was

read for the students to guess who it was. He received a nice trophy

and then the school choir sang and band played. At the conclusion

of the assembly, we were invited to a little reception in the office for

family members. He’s a great kid!


  1. How fun! It's great that you have grandkids so close. My parents just have my kids to "deal" with right now. I know that my mom hates that she misses out on so much of what the other kids are doing.

    What a good looking family you have. :-)

  2. Little Kimber is so adorable. Congrats! You are such a fun grandma!!
