Saturday, February 14, 2009

Grand Opening of Grandma's Blog!

Well, here I am world! I am finally set up on my blogspot thanks to the help of a patient daughter who walked me through it in spite of Rob's jeers in the background! I kept saying that I am way too old for this. I changed my password at least 3 times, because I could not type in correctly more than once - I need to SEE what I am typing. I know - I am sooo pathetic! Thank you Linz for your talents setting up the header for me and enduring my computer illiteracy!

I want to wish my husband and all my children and grandchildren a very HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!


  1. Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging!

  2. YAY! My mom has one too, although she doesn't really post all that often. I loved the grandparents post. :-)
